Time to Q

So, it’s time for you to Q a workout…

Below are some podcasts that are highly recommended every Pax listen to BEFORE they lead their first workout (VQ). 

The following videos were put out by F3 Nation to help assist fellow Pax when leading a workout .

In addition to the podcasts and the videos, here is some reading material that is specific to Q that can help any Pax to plan out and implement a Q, whether it is their VQ or their 100th Q.

Q 101


The purpose of this outline is to provide guidance on leading your Q. Q101 is designed to teach all PAX the proper way to lead an F3 workout. Q101 is intended to provide the PAX with an example of a proper workout, including Disclaimer, Structure of the Workout, Position Assignments (Point man, Sweeper, Mumble Chatter, etc.), How to Count, COT (Name-o-Rama) and Ball of Man.


The First F in F3 stands for Fitness. It is, for all intents and purposes, the workout that we suffer through together in the Gloom. Traditionally, the First F is the bootcamp, and that is the focus of this Q101.


There is no “perfect” F3 workout. Everyone’s structure will be different, or at least somewhat different, but there are some important points that need to be considered and observed in order to provide a better experience for the PAX.


Every F3 workout will be different. That is one of the beauties of F3. From a fitness standpoint the muscle confusion that results from differing workouts is part of the benefit to the PAX. Different workouts also help reduce the monotony that sets in with other workout routines. We purposely have members of the PAX step up to lead, as we play to our own strengths; however, the following represents a certain structure that should be followed in every F3 workout.


If this is your VQ – remember to keep things simple! Always feel free to reach out to your fellow brothers in the Gloom for pointers, or if you want someone to take a peak at your plans. We are here to help and sharpen each other’s iron.


Now that you know more about how to design and lead a workout, it's time to find exercises to include into your beat down. The F3 Exicon is your source for an endless amount of exercises. Have fun and SYITG!